When your divorce is finally through, you will receive a document called the divorce decree. This document should contain all the agreements of the divorce and is considered a legally binding contract. It is designed to protect each spouse and to state each spouse's obligations, rights, and responsibilities. The downside to this agreement is that there are times when one spouse doesn't abide by what it says. Here are three ways you can enforce the terms of this agreement if your ex-spouse isn't following it.
- An auto accident can happen in a flash, but its effects may be felt for life. No matter who was at fault (if anyone), if you've been involved in an auto accident you must take immediate action to preserve your own best interests. Here are four professionals who should be among the very first human beings you chat with following your accident. 1. The Police The first professional you're likely to encounter is the police officer who responds to the accident.
- Some industries are obviously more stressful than others, especially those that involve physically dangerous activities such as firefighting. But did you know that certain industries have a higher rate of depression than others? Those careers tend to have long hours or are ones where a worker feels that they have very little control in their workplace. Occasionally, the depression can be so debilitating that an employee may feel as if they can no longer work and may even need to go out on long-term disability.
- It can be both challenging and exciting to own your own business, and you have many things that you need to consider to make sure that your establishment remains profitable. Worrying about the state of your store and property needs to be one of these considerations, especially since you have a duty of care to ensure the safety of every person who enters your business. Duty of care means preventing slip and fall accidents.
- Did you know that 600 Floridians are hospitalized from dog bite injuries and 2 Floridians die as a result from those injuries each year? In 2012, insurance companies paid more than $7 million in dog bite claims. With Florida having some of the strictest liability dog bite laws in all of America, it is crucial for you to familiarize yourself with Florida's stature and laws if you are thinking of adopting or owning a dog.