If you were recently involved in a car accident, there are several steps you need to take to protect yourself financially. You must contact your insurance provider, hire an attorney and speak with the police to ensure everyone knows your side of the story. If your injuries are severe or you were not satisfied with the settlement offered by the other driver's insurance provider, you are legally able to file a lawsuit.
- If you have hyperglycemia and were charged with a DUI crime, you might be able to get out of the charges if you can prove that your medical condition made it appear that you were under the influence. Hyperglycemia has symptoms that can appear like a person is drunk, and these symptoms are a result of the effects of high blood-glucose levels. Here are a few things you should know if you were wrongfully charged with a DUI due to hyperglycemia.
- Motorcycles are small, agile, and fast, but the very same attributes that make them a blast to ride also puts them at a disadvantage when it comes to visibility. The majority of crashes between motorcycles and automobiles occur because the automobile driver didn't see the motorcyclist for one reason or another. To increase your chances of staying accident free, you should consider the following tips for increasing your visibility to other drivers.
- Medical malpractice in the delivery room can cause serious medical consequences to the baby. One of these consequences is cerebral palsy, which is a permanent neurological disorder that hinders overall muscle coordination and body movement. Unfortunately, medical malpractice is responsible for 1 in 10 babies born with cerebral palsy. If you and your baby are an unfortunate victim of medical malpractice that led to cerebral palsy, you can file a medical malpractice case against the hospital in order to receive monetary compensation that will be needed to cover future medical expenses.
- If you're a business owner who carries workers compensation insurance, you're no doubt familiar with the headache and stress that can come from the insurance company's premium or payroll audit. These audits, which determine your business's workers compensation insurance premiums, can end up costing you thousands of extra dollars for the insurance period that you hadn't planned on, making it worth your time to carefully prepare your paperwork to avoid any mistakes in reporting to the auditor during the auditing process.