Every year, worker's compensation claims cost insurance companies billions of dollars in policy benefits. With hundreds of thousands of claims being filed, it's tough to spot the ones that aren't necessarily legitimate. There are some things you should know as a business owner to help ensure the accuracy and legitimacy of every worker's compensation claim filed on your company's policy.
Training and Education Are Essential
Educating your staff and your management team about general safety requirements is one of the first steps toward protecting your company from fraudulent worker's compensation claims.
- Millions of people love soda and drink it on a daily basis.When drinking soda, no one expects the drink to actually cause a bodily injury. There are multiple cases soda can cause a serious injury to both internal and external body parts. If you've been injured by soda in any way, you may have a product liability case on your hands. Personal injury lawyers can help you determine who's to blame for the injury and the best ways to move forward with the case.
- Getting injured in public or at work can cause huge changes in your life. One of the most dramatic changes may come with your daily home life. Injuries can change your everyday routine and may even cause you to purchase or upgrade various items to help accommodate with your injury needs. When working with an attorney on a personal injury settlement case, there are five home changes that could factor into your settlement.
- Filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy is relatively easy to do if you hire a lawyer, and it generally only requires going to bankruptcy court one time. This visit to your local bankruptcy court is called a meeting of the creditors, and it is designed for several purposes. Here are five things you should be aware of regarding this meeting. You Must Attend After filing all the necessary paperwork, the bankruptcy trustee will notify you about a meeting of creditors.
- It is quite common for a person to file for bankruptcy after a divorce—often because debts are not divided properly during the divorce. If you are preparing for a divorce or have recently gone through a divorce, you may want to talk to a family lawyer to find out if there is anything you can do to prevent falling into the trap of being responsible for your ex-spouse's debts. There may be certain things you can do to prevent this, and your lawyer will help you understand how this works.